Governing Body of Comiucap

The first President (and founder) of COMIUCAP (2000-2008) was Professor Philippe Capelle-Dumont, then of the Institut Catholic de Paris and now also of the Faculté de Théologie Catholique de Strasbourg. The second President was Professor Leovino Garcia, of the Ateneo of Manila University (2008-2009). Between November 15, 2009 and November 16, 2013, the network had an Acting-President of COMIUCAP in the person of João J. Vila-Chã, of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. On November 16, 2013, during the General Assembly of the network that took place in St Augustine College of South Africa in Johannesburg, the official representatives of the Institutional Members of COMIUCAP proceeded to elect a new President of the network. There was only one candidate proposed, namely, the then Acting-President of COMIUCAP, Professor João J. Vila-Chã, who was unanimously elected (by secret vote) as President of COMIUCAP for the term 2013-2017. The Official Report of the Fourth General Assembly of COMIUCAP realized in Johannesburg on November 16, 2013, can be accessed here. Since November 16, 2013 the Governing Body of COMIUCAP is constituted by the following persons:

President: Prof. João J. Vila-Chã (Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome) • Vice-President-WorldRector-Emérito Dr. Salomón Lerner Febres (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru) • Vice-President for Financial Affairs: Prof. Franco Imoda, SJ (Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome) • Vice-President for AfricaProf. Joseph Agbakoba (Madonna University, Nigeria) • Vice-President for AsiaProf. Alfredo Co (University Santo Tomas, Phillipines) • Vice-President for EuropeProf. Camille Riquier (Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain) • Vice-President for Latin AmericaProf. Miguel Giusti (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) • Vice-President for North AmericaProf. Brendan Sweetman (Rockhurst College, USA) Vice-President for OceaniaProf. Janis Ozolins (Catholic University of Australia). 

The Legal Representatives of COMIUCAP as a Non-Profit Association Registered in April of 2014 with the Italian State are the following persons: Prof. João J. Vila-Chã (President); Prof. Franco Imoda (Vice-Presidente); Prof. Théoneste Nkeramihigo (Treasurer). In case of dissolution, any assets in possession of COMIUCAP will go to the International Federation of the Catholic Universities (FIUC/IFCU).