Conversations || Debates

Active Learning Increases Performance (in Science, Engineering and Mathematics).
Entretien avec Rémi Brague: Autour de la Loi de Dieu (Part I).
On November 20, 2014 COMIUCAP celebrated the «World Philosophy Day» (an initiative of UNESCO) with an Open Dialogue on the «Role and Mission of Philosophy in a Catholic Context» at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. The written Report on this event of COMIUCAP is here accessible. Photos & Videos are also available. On the occasion, the Italian newspaper AVVENIRE published a short article on the «Attualità della Filosofia? Sapere aprire all’amicizia e al trascendente». The author of this text is Professor Francesco Tomatis, one of the participants in our journey of debate on the Role and Mission of Philosophy in CHurch and World today. The ideas shared in the Report can be discussed here.
The Conference that took place at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) from October 25-27, 2012 on The Dialogue of Science and Religion can now be followed on video here.
Am 24/02/2014 hat die SWR2 eine Diskussion über Heideggers «Schwarze Hefte» und die entsprechenden Implikationen für das Verständnis seiner Philosophie. Es diskutieren: Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik – Philosoph, Senior Advisor des Zentrums für Jüdische Studien, Berlin/Brandenburg, Prof. Dr. Rainer Marten – Philosoph, Universität Freiburg, Prof. Dr. Peter Trawny – Philosoph, Herausgeber von Martin Heideggers “Schwarzen Heften”, Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
On February 2, 2012 and in the context of a Symposium promoted by the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, de Caracas (Venezuela), a Lecture was delivered by Professor Rafael Tomás Caldera on En la verdad y el amor: la comunidad universitaria.