News • Nouveautés • Novedades

Meetings & Conferences

• Here information (with videos) regarding the International Conference «El Conflicto de las Facultades | Sobre la Universidad y el Sentido de las Humanidades» that took place at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú from September 5-8, 2017 in Lima, Perú, as part of the commemorations of the first hundred years of the University (1917-2017). The contributions of some of the members of the governing body of COMIUCAP can be seen as follows: Miguel Giusti (Peru), Miguel Garcia-Baró (Spain); Salomón Lerner Febres (Peru) & João J. Vila-Chã (Portugal/Italy).

• The PewResearchCenter published a new report on Religion & Society; this time it shows The Gender Gap in Religion Around the World (March, 2016).

• The School of Philosophy of the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome) is organizing a Conference on «Nature and Naturalism» from 18-19 of April, 2016 in order to explore how naturalism depends on the underlying idea of nature and examine how the conceptual framework of scientific inquiry relates back to the lived experience that is proper to everyday self-understanding. A correct understanding of nature discloses the limits of naturalism and opens the door for the articulation of religious faith. For Registration, please, click here.

• The “Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies,” of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki announces the World Congress “Aristotle 2400 Years” which is to be held at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in ancient Stageira, the birthplace of Aristotle and in ancient Mieza, the place where Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. The Congress “Aristotle 2400 Years” will take place from 23-28 of May, 2016.m

• From 14-16 of April, 2016 will take place at Loyola University Chicago an International Interdisciplinary Conference on The Challenge of God: Continental Philosophy and Catholic Intellectual Heritage.

• La Société platonicienne internationale organize un colloque (Section méditerranéenne) sur le thème La vérité: Platon et les sophistes. Le colloque se tiendra à Aix-en-Provence (France) à l’université d’Aix-Marseille du 9 au 11 octobre 2015.

• La Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá, em ocasión de los 50 años de la reapertura de su Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, organiza el XVI Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Latinoamericana entre los días 30 de Junio y 3 de Julio del 2015. El tema general del Congreso es Lecturas Actuales de la Filosofía Latinoamericana: Género, Cultura y poscolonialidad.

• Organised jointly by Heythrop College, University of London, the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and the Pontifical University of Sant’Anselmo,an International Conference on Thresholds of Wonder: Poetry, Philosophy and Theology in Conversation will take place at the Pontifical University of Sant’Anselmo, Rome, from 17-20 of June, 2015.

• La Chair de Métaphysique Étienne Gilson présente en occasion de son 20ème anniversaire (1995-2015) une série de conférences dans l’Institut Catholique de Paris dédiées au thème «Métaphysique et Christianisme» avec les professeurs Philippe Capelle-Dumont, Jean Greisch, Richard Kearney, Jean-Luc Marion, Andreas Speer et David Tracy. Les Séances auront lieu les jours 9-11 et 16-18 Mars, 2015.

• The Regional Congress of Comiucap for Latin America on Postsecularización: Nuevos escenarios del encuentro entre culturas will take place in Cuzco (Perú) under the auspices of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú from 19-20 of November, 2015.

• International Conference on Renewing the Church in a Secular Age: Holistic Dialogue and Kenotic Vision (Roma, March 4-5, 2015).

• Regional Congress of Comiucap-Asia/Oceania on Civil Society and Human Formation: Philosophy’s Role in a Renewed Understanding of the Meaning of Education (Melbourne, Australia, 20-22 of July, 2015).

Research Projects

• Members of COMIUCAP are invited to take part in the Research Project Christian Thought and Its Engagement(s) With the Plural Dimensions of Modernity: Perspectives and Challenges.

• The project Clavius on the Web is developing a Web platform dedicated to the works of Christophorus Clavius. Using technologies of computational linguistics, knowledge engineering, digital philology and Web visualization, the platform is making available a wealth of data on one of the pioneers on the modern dialogue between the Church and the scientific world.

• Martin Heideggers Schwarze Hefte werden zur Zeit äußerst kontrovers diskutiert. In diesem Kontext, der Institut für Philosophie der Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar organiziert ein zunächst auf vier Jahre angelegtes Forschungsprojekt über «Martin Heideggers Schwarze Hefte». Das Projekt soll aus einer kritisch-konstruktiven Perspektive heraus den Inhalt der Schwarzen Hefte werk- und philosophiegeschichtlich erschließen und dadurch Perspektiven einer zukünftigen Heidegger-Rezeption aufzeigen.

• Here information on the Program for Research & Innovation of the European Commission: Horizon 2020.


• RPHI – Réseau Philosophique de l’Interculturel annonces the publication of the following book: Vers une démocratie interculturelle en Afrique? (Paris, 2014).


• Repont on the International Conference Renewing the Church in a Secular Age: Holistic Dialogue and Kenotic Vision co-organized by the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Council for Research in Values and Philsophy (Roma, March 4-6, 2015).

• Report on the Symposium on «The Role and Mission of Philosophy in Catholic Context» held at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome on the occasion of the celebration of the World Day of Philosophy (November 20, 2014).


• The Importance of Teaching Philosophy by Michael Shammas (Jan., 2015)

• Philosophy and Human Formation in Europe by Pietro Ramelini (December, 2014)

• Philosophy and Self-Knowledge (New York Times, December, 2014)

• Religion in Latin-America (Pew Research Center, November 2014)


• St. Augustine College of South Africa (Johannesburg) is looking to appoint a full time Head of the Department of Theology