The fourth Congress and Regional Assembly of COMIUCAP-Europe took place at Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid, Spain) from December 17-19,2014. Here a few pictures of the event. The general topic of the Congress was Philosophy and the Future of Human Formation in Europe and the keynote Speakers were the following: Emmanuel Falque (Mécanique et mystique: Un cadre au salut); Carla Canullo (Identités traduites: Philosophie et Religions pour un nouveau Espace Européen); Markus Enders (Zur Relevanz der philosophischen Bildungs-Lehren von Romano Guardini und Gustav Siewerth für die Zukunft der menschlichen Bildung in Europe); Miguel García-Baró (Fenomenología radical y Ética). Here the complete version of the PROGRAM.
Philosophy and the Future of Human Formation in Europe | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | Madrid | 2014.