What is the role and value of philosophy in contemporary Africa? What is the relationship between philosophy and understanding within African culture? A key aspect of the discourse on philosophy in Africa entails the tendency to attribute the title ‘Philosopher’ to people trained in Philosophy, while ignoring other rational and critical thinkers. Such African philosophers have been left with nothing to do but be critics of the highest brow. The perceived inapplicability of philosophy is further underpinned by a resounding public ‘stink eye’. While philosophy has been condemned many times in the past, the discipline has always found a role to play. What will be its role in Africa in the 21st Century? In consideration of the above questions, COMIUCAP and the The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) joined efforts towards the organization of an International Conference with the goal of seriously contributing towards a renewed discernment of the Role of Philosophy in Africa. The event took place at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi, Kenya) from 20-22 April, 2017. Here the Program and some PHOTOS of the event. Videos of the Opening Ceremony, of the Eucharistic Celebration and of the Keynote Addresses (by Prof. Justus Mbae, Prof. Dismas A. Masolo, Prof. Joseph Agbakoba) are available here. – On occasion of the Regional Congress of COMIUCAP for Africa, Vatican Radio produced and broadcasted (in Portuguese) an Interview (here Part I) with the President of the network on his return from Nairobi. The second Part of the same Interview can be followed here.
The Role of Philosophy in the African Context | Catholic University of Eastern Africa | Nairobi | 2017.